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Wimberley City Council Special Joint Meeting W/ P&Z – Tuesday, October 11, 2016

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/WCC-Agenda-Tuesday-10-11-2016.pdf”]

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  1. I wanted to know if the comments at the October 11 City Council Meeting on Short-Term Rentals will be posted on the website. I stayed home with an ill husband and couldn’t attend and would like to know the comments.

    Nedra Patterson (Mrs. T. D.)
    400 Sunrise Drive
    Paradise Hills
    Wimberley, TX

    1. Mrs. Patterson,

      Wimberley City Council will not approve those until they meed again. We will be sure to watch for them and get them up as soon as they become public information so all can read.

      Thank you for reading!

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