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Wimberley High School & Junior High Theatre Open Fall Show

The story unfolds as the people of the valley and the witches of the mountain work to return the witch boy to the mountains, while he and Barbara fight to stay together.

Produced on Broadway in 1945, Dark of the Moon is set in the Appalachian Mountains and centers on the character of a witch boy who goes to the valley as a human to pursue his love, the beautiful Barbara Allen.

The story unfolds as the people of the valley and the witches of the mountain work to return the witch boy to the mountains, while he and Barbara fight to stay together. It’s just the sort of intrigue that the Texan Theatre Group relishes bringing to life in their 2018 fall show.

The preview performance is Wednesday, December 5, opening night is Thursday, December 6, and the show runs every evening through Saturday, December 8 at 7 PM at the JGW/LMW Lone Star Theatre at Wimberley High School.

There will also be shows Saturday, December 8 and Sunday, December 9 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $5 at the door. At the Wednesday performance, students will be collecting canned goods with five cans equaling free admission. The students will donate the cans to the Crisis Break Basket in Wimberley.

Calen Cabler, the WHS theatre teacher and director, Amanda Beard, assistant director, and the cast of Dark of the Moon look forward to putting on a great performance and welcome everyone to enjoy this very creative show.


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