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WISD Teachers Kick Off School Year With Inspiration

Teacher and Cancer Survivor Shares Her Emotional Story…

Wimberley, Texas Wimberley Independent School District teachers, staff and administrators joined together for their 2018-19 school year convocation on August 9 at the J. Gary Wyatt and Lydia Miller-Wyatt Lone Star Theatre.

The traditional kick-off to the new academic year is a time to rally together to provide the best education possible for incoming students.

This year, the guest presenter was Johnna Dennis, a Jacob’s Well Elementary teacher whose story of surviving both the flood of 2015 and cancer served as inspiration to all who heard her speak.

“We can choose to be happy right where we are. Even in the hardest times and most difficult situations, we can focus on the positive,” Johnna Dennis told the educators.”  “We need to choose to like our career. We need to choose to like our peers, our teammates, our students, and our families,” she added.

Dwain York, WISD Superintendent of Schools enthusiastically welcomed the district teams back to their campuses and expressed gratitude for their commitment to students.

“Johnna certainly got us off to a great start, reminding us of the importance of a positive attitude and a willingness to choose to make the best of every day,” said York. “We are excited to begin the school year with our teams of amazing teachers just like her who are role models and inspirations in their dedication to teaching Wimberley ISD children,” he added.

Along with the superintendent, the high school band opened the ceremony with a few tunes including the school song.

The first day of school is Wednesday, August 15. The school district will welcome some 2,500 students this year.


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