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Youth Commission Requests Information On Youth Services And Programs

The San Marcos Commission on Children and Youth (SMCCY) is looking to identify all youth programs and services that are offered within San Marcos. This will include any youth service provider, including daycare facilities. Mental health providers will have a separate survey.

The SMCCY is working to build a database of all the activities and services that are provided for youth in San Marcos. Gathering this information will assist the SMCCY in determining where there are discrepancies in relation to the Youth Master Plan. “Youth” is considered up to age 24.

The City of San Marcos is asking youth service providers to take a few minutes to answer the questions in the survey so they can include the information in the City’s inventory.  They ask that providers fill out one survey for each program or service they provide. This collection will help the City identify gaps and improve outcomes for children and families in our community. Upon completion, this resource guide will be available to the public.

For more information about the goals and outcomes that the SMCCY are hoping to accomplish, please review the Youth Master Plan found at www.sanmarcostx.gov/youthmasterplan.

The survey can be found at www.sanmarcostx.gov.youthcollectionsurvey. 

If you have any questions, please contact Youth Services Manager- Jessica Ramos, jramos@sanmarcostx.gov.


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