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Wimberley High School Students Turn 3D Printing Assignments Into One-Of-A-Kind Creations

In the Hands of Innovative Students, 3D Designs are Limitless Wimberley, Texas, March 29, 2019.  

Senior year is a great time for students to push their skills to the limit, and with the perfect combination of tools and teachers, Wimberley High School members of the class of 2019 are finishing strong.

Will Seaton’s 3D print project caught the attention of his Anatomy and Physiology teacher, Cheryl Simecheck.

Seaton took the assignment several steps further by designing, creating and then printing a 3D copy of a sarcomere, a structural unit of a myofibril in striated muscle.

“This had never been done in any of my classes before now. It took Will eight hours to print it and at least twice as many hours to design and create,” said Simecheck. “I wanted to do something that hadn’t been done before. I had 3D-modeled a few things before, so I knew it was possible. The best part was seeing it slowly take shape as it was printing,” said Seaton.

“There’s something special about seeing your design come to life,” he added.

Seaton will study history this fall at the University of North Texas following graduation from WHS.


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