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UPDATED: San Marcos City Council Calls Special Election, Sets Schedule

By Terra Rivers | Managing Editor

*UPDATE: According to the City of San Marcos, the City of San Marcos will hold a special meeting on March 24 to discuss to delay the May Special Election. This is in response to Governor Abbott’s decision to cancel a number of state May elections. 

The San Marcos City Council approved an ordinance ordering a Special Election to be held in May to fill a vacancy for the unexpired term of City Council Member Place 5.

On March 9, Dr. Jocabed Marquez submitted a letter of resignation of her City Council seat creating a vacancy in that position as of March 17.

Marquez cited the reason for her resignation was due to employment plans, which would require her to move her residence to a location outside the City of San Marcos.

Article 11, Section 11(B) of the Texas Constitution requires a special election to fill a vacancy to be held within 120 days of the date the vacancy occurs.

Texas Election Code, Section 201.052, Subsection (a), provides that a special election to fill a vacancy shall be held on the first uniform election date occurring on or after the 46th day after the date the special election is ordered.

Interim City Clerk Tammy Cook said there were some uncertainties with the election due to the coronavirus epidemic sweeping the nation.

According to Cook, Hays County Elections Administrator, Jennifer Anderson, has been in constant contact with state officials regarding the issue, and March 17 was the statutory deadline for the council to call the election.

“We have a very short filing period starting Wednesday (March 18) at 8 AM till Monday at 5 PM,” Cook said. “Literally from the time Dr. Marquez gave me her resignation to the 23rd, we had 13 days to get it ordered, get applications and get everything complete. So there is a very short turnaround.”

Hays County has already approved the elections for San Marcos CISD Districts 1, 2 and 3.

Mayor Jane Hughson and Cook noted the districts do not include the West side of San Marcos, and there will not be a campus vote center.

“We kind of have to jump on this election so they can run it for us,” Cook said. “And we kind of have to use their polling places.”  

The Ledgestone Senior Living Center has withdrawn as a voting center in the May election due to the Coronavirus threat.

Cook noted that residents can still vote at any of the voting centers in Hays County as part of the countywide polling program.

Bert Lumbreras, City Manager, said staff will work with Anderson to address concerns about social distancing and disinfecting equipment during the election.

The council voted unanimously to remove the Ledgestone Senior Living Center and to approve the ordinance calling for a special election.

As of the last report to the media, the election is scheduled for May 2. Early voting will run from April 20 through April 28.

*UPDATE: According to the City of San Marcos, the City of San Marcos will hold a special meeting on March 24 to discuss to delay the May Special Election. This is in response to Governor Abbott’s decision to cancel a number of state May elections. 

Schedule: Early Voting

Monday, 4/20 @ 7 AM to 7 PM

Monday, 4/20 @ 7 AM to 7 PM

Tuesday, 4/21 – Friday, 4/24 @ 8 AM to 5 PM

Saturday, 4/25 @ 10 AM to 2 PM

Monday, 4/27 @ 7 AM to 7 PM

Tuesday, 4/28 @ 8 AM to 5 PM

Schedule: Election Day

Saturday, May 2 @ 7 AM to 7 PM

Voting Centers


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    1. According to the City of San Marcos, the Governor is giving local governments the option to cancel May elections without penalty. However, the City has not made a decision on it yet. City Council will address it at a special meeting on Tuesday, March 24.

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