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United Way Of Hays & Caldwell Counties Reinstates Disaster Relief Fund

Staff Reports

United Way of Hays & Caldwell Counties has reinstated its disaster relief fund to assist those affected by the COVID-19 Crisis, particularly economically, in Hays and Caldwell Counties.

According to United Way, they are working with their long-time partner Community Action, Inc. of Central Texas to distribute funds directly to those in need throughout the community in the coming days, weeks and months.

The dollars will be used to help those who are economically impacted.

“As our country, and the world continues to go through a crisis not seen since the Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918, our local community is beginning to feel the economic strains that the COVID-19 virus is creating,” United Way said in a press release.

Organizations and businesses are beginning to furlough and/or lay off valued employees with no date for their return in sight. 

This is putting a strain on many families who work in the retail, hospitality and other industries in our community.

“While we never anticipated having to reinstate this fund for a disaster of this kind, United Way of Hays and Caldwell Counties is uniquely positioned in our community to respond to the constantly changing landscape of this disaster,” said Michelle Harper, President & CEO of United Way of Hays & Caldwell Counties. “We stand ready to help all of our community members needing assistance as we face this together.”

Those interested in helping neighbors in need can donate at https://www.unitedwayhaysco.org/covid-19-response.

Donations can also be made by simply texting UWHAYS DISASTER to 313131 and following the instructions in the reply text. 

Those wishing to donate by check can do so by sending donations to UWHC, PO BOX 1728, San Marcos, TX  78667. 

It is asked that checks are addressed to the “Disaster Relief Fund” to ensure it goes directly to those in need.

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  1. This is confusing. Your article states the form advertised is for utility and or rent and bills. However, Disaster Relief assistance form itself is only for relief of gas related bills..does not include relief from water bills or rent. Is the money recieved now allowed to go to these other expenses? Can you please clarify?

    1. Hello Jessica,

      The dollars will be used to help those who are economically impacted; United Way is still in the process of setting up the fund and updating and identifying what funding can be used for. The application will be updated when everything is ready.

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