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San Marcos City Council To Discuss Comprehensive Plan Rewrite

Staff Reports

On Tuesday, the San Marcos City Council’s regular Work Session will focus on a staff presentation and discussion regarding the Comprehensive Plan rewrite.

The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss:

  • the role and scope of the comprehensive plan and area plans,
  • the vision and goals framework,
  • small area plan type and location identification, and
  • project branding and next steps.

According to the agenda, the council previously provided direction staff to begin the process of having Vision San Marcos, the city’s current comprehensive plan adopted in 2013, rewritten.

The Comprehensive plan will set the goals and vision for the future of San Marcos for the next 20 years.

The rewrite will include significant public engagement to obtain input from the public, stakeholders, and organizations in San Marcos throughout the planning process.

The work session will convene virtually at 3:00 PM on Nov. 17. No public comments will be available.

In other news, the city council is slated to canvass the November 2020 Election results on Monday, Nov. 16, at 6:30 PM.

Comprehensive Plan Presentation

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  1. The question is, what does the City’s new word salad really mean ????

    the role and scope of the comprehensive plan and area plans,
    the vision and goals framework,
    small area plan type and location identification, and
    project branding and next steps.

    Answer:It means you won’t know until our new Mano Amiga council member tells you.

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