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San Marcos Council Items to watch: paid parking at City Parks, COVID-19 Recovery Council Committee and amendment to TIRZ

Sierra Martin | Managing Editor

On Tuesday, May 4 at 6 p.m. the San Marcos City Council will be holding a virtual meeting and discuss important issues such as implementing paid parking at river parks, amending the project plan for Tax Increment Reinvestment (TIRZ) and discussing forming a Covid-19 Recovery Council Committee.

A link to the complete meeting Agenda for Tuesday, May 6th can be found here

Paid Parking at River Parks

Item number 30 on the meeting agenda is to hold a discussion on implementing paid parking at River Parks. 

  • Parks and Recreation Board of the City of San Marcos is supporting the resolution to require paid parking in the River Parks known as City Park and Rio Vista Park
  • City Council members will consider approving the resolution and provide direction to the City Manager

Tax Increment Reinvestment (TIRZ)

During the Public Hearing portion of the City Council meeting, item 20 will provide a staff presentation and public comment period for amendments to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 5.

  • A TIRZ is a type of financing incentive that reimburses a developer’s eligible costs for approved infrastructure improvements. A developer may present a proposal to build infrastructure that would help increase the assessed value in that area to $60 million over a period of 15 years.
  • Also known as the “Downtown TIRZ,” the Council will be discussing an ordinance to approve an amendment to the Tax Increment Participation Interlocal Agreement with Hays County to extend the city and county’s reduced contribution rate from 70% to 25% for an additional year.
  • Read more about our TIRZ coverage here.

Covid-19 Recovery Council Committee

Item number 31 on the meeting agenda is to discuss the potential formation of a COVID-19 Recovery Council Committee. The scope and purpose of the committee will be defined and direction will be given to the City Manager.

Persons wishing to participate (speak) during the Citizen Comment portion of the meeting must email citizencomment@sanmarcostx.gov prior to 12:00PM the day of the meeting. A call-in number to join by phone or link will be provided for participation on a mobile device, laptop or desktop computer.

To view the meeting please go to http://sanmarcostx.gov/421/City-Council-Videos-Archives or watch on Grande channel 16 or Spectrum channel 10

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  1. “Parks and Recreation Board of the City of San Marcos is supporting the resolution to require paid parking in the River Parks known as City Park and Rio Vista Park”

    So I’m hearing that even more people will be piling into Children’s Park, Library, and Activity Center in order to avoid the parking fee. … GREAT!

  2. Item # 30
    Let’s be sure to have the tow trucks ready to enforce anyone with time expired.
    What a way to welcome families to the free park that tax payers pay for.
    With the revenue gained from this they(NONE) can hire more people to help govern.
    Maybe the tow companies can throw back some of the $1,000’s they will gain to the city
    and reduce the costs of the parks. (again already tax payer funded)
    Enough is enough

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