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Hays County Commissioners to form Redistricting Advisory Commission

Sierra Martin | Managing Editor

HAYS COUNTY — The Hays County Commissioners Court voted unanimously to form a Citizen Advisory Commission on Redistricting (CACR).

The redistricting process will draw new electoral boundaries throughout Hays County and adjust to the growing population in the area, as shown on the 2020 census.

According to commissioners, the advisory committee will consist of the county Democratic and Republican party chairs and a nominee appointed by court members. CACR will rotate meeting locations throughout the county to ensure there is a meeting in each precinct. 

Many members of the League of Women’s Voters of San Marcos were present at the commissioner’s court meeting. Dr. Linda Calvert spoke before commissioners to say that one of their concerns is that the redistricting process complies with the voting rights process.

“We believe that there are republicans and democrats and third-party people out there that can bring thoughtful, interactive progress to the redistricting process,” said Calvert. “We hope that each of you will look to those people.”

County Commissioners said they are moving forward with the commission to make the redistricting process more transparent and make sure the community has a voice. Although the final decision on how the county’s electrical boundaries change will be dependent on a vote by the county commissioners, Commissioner Precinct 4, Walt Smith, said they would take the CACR’s report under advisement. 

“This commission will work in an advisory role,” said Smith. “At the end of the day, it is up to us to make the decision that we were elected to make. And taking their recommendation under advisement is one thing, but in the end, we have to make the decision relative to this.”

Judge Ruben Becerra appointed Shannon FitzPatrick to the CACR, saying that she is a level-headed prosecutor. Commissioner Smith appointed Steve Meyer, and Commissioner Precinct 1 Debbie Ingalsbe appointed Ruben Garza due to his previous experience on a redistricting committee. 

San Marcos Corridor News will provide updates to the community as developments are made in the redistricting process.

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