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Lions Present $5000 To San Marcos CISD Teachers

Photo furnished by: Larkin Smith, Lions Zone Chairperson, left to right: Mitch Hoffman, Lions Club President, and Michael Cardona, San Marcos CISD Superintendent


By, Larkin Smith, Lions Zone Chairperson, 4-B


As San Marcos CISD teachers gear up for a new school year, the San Marcos Lions Club is showing its support for local educators by donating $5,000 in gift cards.


The Lions presented the cards to San Marcos CISD Superintendent Michael Cardona on Friday, August 5, 2016, at their weekly lunch meeting at the San Marcos Activity Center. Making the presentation was Lion President Mitch Hoffman.


Funds for the gift cards were earned by the club at its annual fajita dinner held in February at the City Park Recreation Center. More than 1,700 tickets were sold for the fundraiser. Thanks to the support of the community and the work of more than 40 Lion volunteers, the club raised $5,000.


With the understanding that teachers quite often use their own money to purchase items needed in the classroom or by their students, the club’s finance committee decided to use the money to donate 100 gift cards of $50 each to be distributed to campuses across the district.


As part of its ongoing effort to support education, the San Marcos Lions Club regularly honors a “Student of the Week” and a “Teacher of the Month” during the school year. It also annually presents scholarships to 12 local graduating high school seniors as well as the Dr. Robert Galvan and Dr. Glenn Longley scholarships to students at Texas State University. 


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