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Hays CISD Announces New Principal for Lehman High School

Hays CISD Superintendent Michael McKie announced Tuesday the selection of Denisha Jackson-Presley as the principal for Lehman High School. Presley is currently serving as the principal of the Lockhart High School Freshman M.L. Cisneros Campus.

Presley began her career as an English teacher at Nolan Middle School in Killeen ISD in 1999. The following year, she began teaching high school English in Lockhart. During her career, she has spent eight years teaching high school students in the classroom and an additional eight years as a high school campus administrator.

“As principal, I work for you,” said Presley in her first email to Lehman parents and staff members. “I am committed to building on strengths and developing strong partnerships with you as we continue to grow a learning community that is completely centered around kids. We will honor the work of the past and move forward to the work of the future.”

Presley was selected, in part, based upon a customized principal profile developed after meetings with campus teachers and parents. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Master of Education, both from Texas State University – San Marcos. Presley has lived in Kyle, Texas, for eight years and says she is ecstatic about the opportunity to serve in the community that she calls home.

Presley says among her first duties at the campus will be to work closely with all stakeholders to develop a shared vision of high expectations and 360 comprehensive action plan to protect and grow the LOBO brand.

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/160816-Presley-Letter-to-LOBOCommunity.pdf”]

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