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Federal Grant To Equip San Marcos Fire Trucks With Lifesaving Devices

“The new equipment will aid in the administration of the right treatments at the right time for our patients,” said Captain Jonathan Henderson.

The San Marcos Fire Department has received a federal grant to equip each fire station’s main fire truck and the battalion chief’s vehicle with lifesaving cardiac treatment devices.


The Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program awarded the department $332,182 with a match from the City of $33,218 for six LifePak 15 monitors and six Lucas mechanical chest compression systems.


“This is a huge step forward for the SMFD’s Advanced Life Support (ALS) Program and the growing cadre of Firefighter/Paramedics employed by the Department,” said Fire Chief Les Stephens.


Delivery and installation of the devices are scheduled for Spring of 2018.


LifePak 15 monitors help first responders identify and treat life-threatening cardiac conditions, as well as respiratory problems, by monitoring oxygen and carbon dioxide in the patient’s body. The Lucas devices enable automated and continuous closed chest compressions for cardiac patients.


“The new equipment will aid in the administration of the right treatments at the right time for our patients,” said Captain Jonathan Henderson.


To date, 24 of the San Marcos Fire Department’s 74 firefighters are certified as paramedics, with a goal of having 30 certified by May of 2019.


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