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SMCISD Athletic Director Recognized For Character Building Programs

The San Marcos CISD athletic program is built on one concept: build positive character in our athletes and our teams will prosper— which in turn will make for a positive school and community culture.  The state of Texas has recognized our efforts.  
SMCISD Athletic Director Mark Soto was invited to a National Football League (NFL) sponsored Character Building Initiative on Tuesday, February 16, 2016.  The workshop included the Texas High School Coaches Association, UIL, Coach for America, and the Dallas Cowboys working in concert to bring to light the need for character-education-based athletic programs throughout the United States.  The effort is funded by the NFL.
The day-long, invitation-only workshop included superintendents, athletic directors, coaches and NFL personnel. They discussed awareness, brainstormed curriculum, and came up with ideas on how to implement those for all athletic programs.
San Marcos was invited because we have made great strides in the last four years.  Coach Soto attributes our successes to being a character-education-based athletic program.  Our coaches teach a character-based curriculum, along with a leadership guide during off-seasons, enhancing the development of our student-athletes.  San Marcos is on the forefront of this push to help change the culture of America.
According to Soto, “A coach has the position, power, and platform to reach today’s student athletes.  We take pride in working with San Marcos youngsters to help parents teach great morals and values.  One exercise at the workshop was to construct our own personal coaching purpose.  Not a goal– but a ‘purpose’ for coaching.”
 Soto shared his personal coaching purpose: “I coach to teach teenagers how to live with a passion for life, to develop positive relationships, walk with integrity, and respect the power of love.”


As SMCISD coaches, Coach Soto says they will continue to develop solid character-based education curriculum for our student athletes, and adds, “The best is yet to come!”

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