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Austin Kicks Off Planning To Upgrade Travis County Expo Center

Austin city council members Thursday approved a resolution directing staff to study options for redeveloping the Travis County Expo Center in a partnership with Travis County and Rodeo Austin…

Austin city council members Thursday approved a resolution directing staff to study options for redeveloping the Travis County Expo Center in a partnership with Travis County and Rodeo Austin.

The facility, which is owned by the county, is located on land owned by the city. Council members also agreed to ask residents to vote on whether to transfer or reclassify the parkland in order to participate in a public-private partnership for redevelopment at the 128-acre site over a 10-year period.

However, some council members also expressed concern about transferring ownership of parkland.

The chief executive of Rodeo Austin said that the city’s ownership of the property must be settled to purse the public-private partnership to cover the cost of the redevelopment effort, which was estimated to be $620 million, some of which could require a bond election. County and Rodeo Austin officials said they plan to negotiate an agreement to take control of the city-property.
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This article originally published by Strategic Partnerships, Inc.


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