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Analysis: How will you know if Critical Race Theory is taught in your child’s school

“School boards, superintendents, even principals, and teachers are already facing questions about critical race theory, and there are significant disagreements...

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Analysis: America still loves the warfare state

The Russian bounty program took the cake as the most significant news story used to thwart Trump’s sensible withdrawal proposal…

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Analysis: The Worst-Kept Secret in America: High inflation is back

I am skeptical because: first, the Fed since its inception has had a terrible track record accomplishing any of the tasks assigned…

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Analysis: An end to a weird legislative session, and the beginning of an uncertain political cycle

Texas might be moving from a weird legislative session into a strange political cycle...

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Analysis: Texas legislators have a long way to go and a short time to get there

As of Friday morning, about a third of those bills were in final stages, a good number were still locked…

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Analysis: If Deficits Don’t Matter, Why Bother with Taxes?

Two secondary reasons she loves taxes: to punish particular people by redistributing their money and to punish people for doing…

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Analysis: A Delay In Drawing New Maps This Year Could Slow Next Year’s Elections

That late delivery, of numbers originally expected in April, could ripple through the map-making all the way into next year’s…

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Analysis: When Mapmaking Texas Politicians Are Smiling And Quiet, Pay Attention

Remaking the state’s political maps — redistricting — is important...

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Analysis: Texans Might Be Ready For Casinos, But Lawmakers Aren’t Convinced

It’s been attempted several times — often when money is short — but the state has remained resistant...

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Analysis: Twitter Blocks Dozens Of Legitimate News Stories And Isn’t Saying Why

But under no circumstance should Twitter determine what Americans should and should not see or read...

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