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Letter: Capes Dam & Park, A Win-Win For The East Side

Who would have thought that a discussion would be on the table to double our park space on the east…

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Analysis: In Some Places In Texas, Sales Tax Revenues Have Risen During The Pandemic

When Texas stores closed and social distancing began at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, sales naturally dropped. So did…

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Covid-19 And The Universal Health Scare

It is not normal to propose “immunity passes” enabling the holders to move about society unimpeded. Immunity passes make no…

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Letter From The Mayor: A Message To The San Marcos Community

I spoke with Interim Police Chief Bob Klett to learn more about training and policies dedicated to the use of…

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Analysis: Rising Property Values — And Taxes — During An Economic Slump

Many Texas property owners are sweating potential increases in their taxes, which are based on property values that don't reflect…

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Attorney Sends Mayor Letter Questioning The Legality Of Marquez Living Out Of State And Recent Vote On Cite & Release

"A member of the city council, she cannot do so even during a pandemic. If Ms. Marquez continues to sit…

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Op-Ed: Cite & Release From A Political Science Perspective

A pluralist society relies on a diversity of interests to help formulate public policy. A pluralist believes that it is…

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Analysis: The Role Of Serology Testing In COVID-19 Pandemic

Anyone who is marketing you with a serology test that is claiming to be FDA approved, they are doing so…

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Six Reasons Why A Cite & Release Resolution Is More Appropriate

Officers on the street should have as many such tools as possible, given the near infinite variability in the circumstances…

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OP-ED: After Biden’s Super Tuesday Victories ObamaCare’s Corporate Beneficiaries Go Long

While the value of big insurance stocks skyrockets, Americans are having a difficult time affording the “affordable” coverage ObamaCare promised,…

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