City of Kyle: Passing of former Mayor James Adkins

Kyle, TX – Former Kyle Mayor James Adkins passed away Jan. 3 at a hospital in Dallas. According to a family member, he succumbed to the prostate cancer he’s been battling. Adkins served as Kyle mayor from 1999-2003.
To follow is a statement from current Kyle Mayor Todd Webster about Adkins.
“I met James Adkins a little over fifteen years ago,” Webster said. “He was the mayor of what was then a very small city and, as many folks tend to do when they are upset about something going on in town, I had sought the mayor out to air a grievance. Rather than take offense to my criticism, he asked me to serve on the Planning Commission and it would not be long before we were serving together on the city council. In time we would form a friendship that had strengthened in recent years, something for which I will always be grateful.


Much can and should be said about James Adkins and of his accomplishments during his service to the City of Kyle. He possessed an unwavering commitment to our community because he cared so very deeply about people. He was someone who wanted to build something great here and was optimistic about our community and what we could accomplish together. James stepped forward to lead during a time of tremendous growth and helped move the city forward. He approached the city’s challenges with a sense of purpose and helped assemble a team that could address those challenges. I am thankful because Kyle is a much a better place because he chose to do so.”

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