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City Of San Marcos Announces Completion Expectations For CM Allen Parkway Project Completion

Due to additional work required and rain delays, the CM Allen Parkway construction project is behind the original schedule. The City’s Engineering and Capital Improvements Department now estimates the roadway will be re-opened to the public by mid-October 2019.

“We’re thankful for the rain but it’s been a real construction challenge to have 48 days of rainfall since the project began and over 20 inches of rain between September and January,” said Laurie Moyer, Director of Engineering & Capital Improvements.  “We thank the community for its patience during this project and if weather cooperates you will see our contractor working 10-hour days and on Saturdays in order to achieve completion of our beautiful new parkway.”

CM Allen was closed July 30, 2018, to reconstruct the roadway, improve parking, construct sidewalks and landscape the street. However, as some of the existing wastewater utilities were exposed, it was determined that replacement/relocation was needed due to their shallow depth, condition and outdated materials used in their original construction.

All additional work was included to save costs, protect the integrity of the CM Allen project once it is completed and alleviate future construction disruption to motorists and pedestrians in the area.

The final water and wastewater improvements are underway, and completion is anticipated by the end of the month, weather permitting. Crews expect to pour the first layer of asphalt on the roadway at the end of May or early June.

During construction, vehicular traffic is being detoured to Edward Gary Street with accommodations to handle the additional traffic. The northern Hopkins Street and University Drive pedestrian crossings of CM Allen will also be closed.

Parking Details for Summer Events

Project management staff is meeting and coordinating with the Parks Department and other summer event coordinators. Summer events such as Movies in Your Park and SummerFest will go on as scheduled. Project leaders are working with the contractor to get the Hopkins pedestrian crossing constructed as soon as possible.

Movies in Your Park is a free community event held on Tuesdays in June and July beginning June 4th and Summer in the Park is every Thursday in June, July and the first two weeks of August beginning June 6th. SummerFest will take place on July 4th.

You can find free parking near the San Marcos Rec Hall, 170 Charles Austin Drive in City Park and at the San Marcos Activity Center, 501. E Hopkins. Both parking lots include an ADA accessible path to the park.

As construction continues, any updates on parking for these events will be shared on the SMTX Community Services Facebook page at www.facebook.com/smtxcs. For more information please contact the Engineering & CIP Department at 512.393.8130, or the Parks and Recreation Department at 512.393.8400.


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