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City of San Marcos Partners with Austin on Commute Challenge

San Marcos residents who work in the Austin Metro area are being encouraged to choose a new way to get to their workplaces onWednesday, May 11. The challenge is a partnership between the City of San Marcos and The City of Austin on the “Austin Don’t Rush” Campaign.


Mayor Daniel Guerrero joins Mayor Steve Adler in challenging Central Texas Corridor commuters to choose any way to get to/from work other than driving alone during rush hours between 7-9 a.m. and 4-6

p.m. They also encourage businesses to allow for flexibility when possible.


Splash Coworking in San Marcos will be hosting all day pop-up coworking hours on May 11 at our Chamber office from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wi-Fi, coffee, and connections will be available.

Click Here For More Info


The easiest way for many people to avoid rush hour may be to flex their schedule to commute before or after rush hours. Other options include carpooling, transit, or riding a bike. If your employer allows it, telecommuting/working from home is also a great option.


CARTS has partnered with the City of San Marcos and the City of Austin on Don’t Rush Austin Day! CARTS – San Marcos wants to do its part as a resource for commuters along the 1-35 corridor and will be offering free rides this WEDNESDAY on three different services: the Interurban Coach, Metro Connector and Municipal bus services.


People can ride the San Marcos fixed routes, THE BUS all day for free and connect to the Interurban Coach bus with service into Austin for free as well! View Ride Schedule at RideCarts.com


For tips and resources on your commute options, go to austindontrush.com.

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