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Commissioners Thank Dripping Springs Resident Walt Krudop For Service To NHCESD #1

*NOTE: This article has been corrected. This article originally identified Commissioner Dan O’Brien as the Board of Directors President. However, O’Brien is a commissioner. Corridor News regrets that the error was not caught earlier and apologizes for any confusion it may have caused.*

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – On Tuesday the Hays County Commissioners Court issued a proclamation recognizing Walt Krudop for his service to North Hays County Emergency Services District #1 and Court members thanked him for his dedication to volunteering for NHCESD #1 and for groups throughout the county.

Krudop, a landowner in Dripping Springs since 1997 and a fulltime resident since 2003, was appointed by the Commissioners Court to NHCESD #1 in 2014 and has served as treasurer, vice president, and president of the special district. He is credited with championing the annual, detailed long-term plan for the ESD and developing its monthly financial summary and projected year-end status.

Krudop is a longtime volunteer for many organizations in Hays County and is retiring from his volunteer ESD commissioner position to spend more time traveling to visit grandchildren.

“It’s been a very interesting journey,” Krudop told the Court. “Dripping Springs and the northern part of the county have grown so dramatically and that’s a big part of the ESD and where it’s going. I look forward to the new board taking it to the next level.”

According to the proclamation, “Walt Krudop has served the people of Hays County faithfully and well in the performance of his duties and should be commended for his exemplary public service.”

NHCESD #1 Board of Directors Commissioner Dan O’Brien said, “I’ve had the privilege of serving with Walt during times the ESD faced really significant funding issues – to the point of considering rolling back services. But Walt stuck with it and dedicated thousands of hours. He left the district in a better place than where he found it and the citizens of north Hays County are well-served by him.”

“At one point Walt Krudop was the only commissioner who remained on the ESD board – he stuck with it and did amazing work through some very tough times,” Precinct 4 Commissioner Walt Smith said. “It is a completely different place than it was five years ago.”

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