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Hays County Commissioners Court Proclaims October 15 As White Cane Day

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – The Hays County Commissioners Court proclaimed October 15 as White Cane Day in Hays County at its October 15 meeting and encouraged residents to support the San Marcos Lions Club through its White Cane donation events, which provide solutions to those in need who have sight issues.

Lions Clubs also encourage sighted persons to understand the meaning of white canes: When you see a blind person using a white cane, remember that the cane is a tool to safely and independently navigate the environment.

There’s no need to shout warnings or try to physically steer someone using a cane so that the cane won’t bump into things. A person using a cane will ask for help if it is needed.

Commissioners thanked the San Marcos Lions Club for its service to the community. 

If residents are driving or cycling and see someone using a white cane, they must follow the law and stop to give that person the right of way. Here are more tips to keep in mind when meeting a blind person.

Lions International, with over 1.3 million members in the world, has been dedicated to serving sight for over 60 years.

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