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Hays County Commissioners To Consider Safety And Environment This Week

Staff Reports

The Hays County Commissioners Court will consider several items regarding roads and environment during today’s court meeting.

Last Tuesday, commissioners passed a resolution opposing the Kinder Morgan Permian Highway Pipeline but stated they had invited representatives of Kinder Morgan to court to address concerns and answer the community’s questions.

While a discussion on the pipeline is not slated for this week’s agenda, commissioners will still consider several times regarding safety and the environment.

First up, as part of the consent agenda, Commissioners will consider the acceptance of road-building materials from the Texas Department of Transportation and amend the budget accordingly.

The materials are valued at $34,365.48 and are donated to the county through the 2019 TxDOT Surplus Program.

According to the agenda, the Hays County Transportation Director has requested Limestone Rock Asphalt Type II material, which is used for potholes and wash out repairs totaling approximately 513 tons.

The donated materials are for use on any county-maintained roadway.

Commissioners will also hold a discussion and consider possible action authorizing the acceptance of a grant award from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality in the amount of $5,000.

The grant comes from the Texas Local Emergency Planning Committee Grant Program, which provides LEPCs “to establish, maintain and/or improve their implementation of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know- Act” according to the agenda.

The funds from the grant will be put toward the maintenance of the Remote Automated Weather Stations. There is no cash match required from the county.

In other news, commissioners will consider authorizing the Building Maintenance Department to utilize existing funds for the purchase of a new speaker’s podium that will be used at the Hays County Courthouse during special events and amend the budget accordingly.

Staff is proposing the purchase of a $758.99 Oklahoma Sound© The Aristocrat Sound Lectern With Sound to be used at the Hays County Courthouse during public gatherings and special events being held by the county.

The podium is equipped with a 50-watt sound system allowing for audiences up to 2,500 people and can be found at Office Depot.

Commissioners Court will convene at 9 AM on Tuesday, March 5, and will begin with a presentation of the specifics of a grant application to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division for the Hays County Volunteer Veterans at School Program.


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  1. Very informative article. Thank you.
    You’re grammar needs some serious work though. Maybe a quick writing course would help those comma placements

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