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Hays County Commissioners To Hold Emergency Meeting This Afternoon

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – The Hays County Commissioners Court will meet at 4 PM today, March 16, in an emergency session to consider extending the Emergency Disaster Declaration issued by County Judge Ruben Becerra on March 15.

By state law, the Emergency Declaration issued by a county judge is valid for only seven days and must be extended by action of the Commissioners Court to have it continue.

The disaster declaration was put in place to allow Hays County to access funds and resources that could be needed for issues caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

As always, the public and media are welcome to attend. This is expected to be a very short meeting, and the disaster extension is the only item on the agenda.

The meeting will in the Commissioners Courtroom at the Hays County Historic Courthouse on the Square, 111 E. San Antonio St., San Marcos, TX.

Those who wish to watch the meeting online can view the live broadcast here.

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    1. As per state, the commissioners’ court is required to invite the media and the public to attend a meeting where action may be taken in open court. It is therefore up to the resident’s discretion whether they wish to attend in person or not. As with all meetings of the commissioners’ court, the meeting can be watched remotely. The county has launched a specific page for today’s meeting, which can be found here: https://hayscountytx.com/commissioners-court/court-video/.

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