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Hays County Judge To Issue Shelter-At-Home Order

Hays County Judge Ruben Becerra has announced on social media he will issue a Shelter-At-Home Order today.

The announcement was made around 11:15 AM this morning. 

Becerra said the order will include a curfew and will be similar to those already in place in Central Texas.

“The order is a necessary next step in our battle to stop the spread,” he said. 

The announcement on the Shelter-At-Home order was not part of an official release of information through Hays County.

COVID19_3rd_Order_StayatHome.WorkSafe_Hays County_March 25 2020

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One Comment

  1. Ah so. Can’t stay “home”
    After having caused my homelessness, Ruben will now punish me for this?

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