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Hays County To Unveil Memorial Bust Of Fallen SMPD Officer

Officer Copeland was the first officer of the San Marcos Police Department to be lost in the line of duty. Copeland was shot while he and several other officers were serving an arrest warrant for Domestic Violence.

Staff Reports

Hays County Sheriff, Gary Cutler, will host a remembrance ceremony honoring Officer Kenneth Copeland and unveiling Copeland’s Memorial Bust on Wednesday, December 12, at 2 PM.

The public is free and welcome to attend the event at the Hays County Government Center rotunda.

The sculpture was commissioned by the Hays County Sheriff’s office.

Officer Copeland was the first San Marcos Police Department officer to be lost in the line of duty. Copeland was shot while he and several other officers were serving an arrest warrant for Domestic Violence. A fellow officer rushed him to Central Texas Medical Center where he later died of his wounds.

The bust will mark the second memorial marker for Officer Copeland. On November 26, Officer Copeland’s birthday, the Heritage Association of San Marcos held a tree dedication ceremony in memorial of Copeland.


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