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HCCS Rams Squeeze Out Win Against Victoria Cougars

By Holly Prestage

On Friday, the Hill Country Christian School Rams battled through a close game with the Victoria Faith Cougars. With a final score of 42-36, the Rams really had to play smart to keep their lead.

The Rams started off strong with two consecutive touchdowns by juniors Jack Chovanec and Ben Walton.

However, the Cougars were resilient and began to poke holes in the Rams’ defense. At the half, the scoreboard read 34-30 with the Rams battling to stay ahead.

Although the Rams were struggling with their defense, they were determined not to let Victoria walk all over them.

Overall it was a close game, but the Rams came out on top. The final score was 42-36, with each team only making one touchdown in the entire second half.

“You know, we came out. And we promised each other that we’d come out as a unit, and we didn’t do that. But as a team, we learned to love each other more,” said Junior Gibson Pucel, one of the captains.

“We got pretty lucky. We gave it back to God, and he gave us that little win. We definitely need to pick it up if we wanna beat some tougher teams,” said senior captain Jeremy Crauthers.

The Rams next game is Friday, September 13, at 7:30 p.m.against the New Braunfels Christian Wildcats at Goodnight Stadium.

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