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Local Educational Organization Promotes Literacy & Leadership Amongst Students

Staff Reports

CLEAR Ed. announced its upcoming events, which aim to engage students in improving leadership and literacy skills.

The organization will host its first book giveaway, Books For Kids, of the year at the San Marcos Public Library on Sat., Feb. 13, where it aims to give away 100 books to children.

CLEAR Ed’s goal is to give away 1000 books a year through the Books For Kids Program.

The organization will also host a “Leadership In Action” Academy at Palmetto State Park between June 21 and June 25.

The outdoor academy aims to provide youths with an “enriching experience” that will prepare them for the challenges and demands that lay ahead for young future leaders.

“It is our mission to enrich and support youth by empowering personalized programs through choice, leadership, and resiliency for lifelong learning,” Ginny Janak, Chief Operations Officer for CLEAR, said.

CLEAR Ed offers a number of initiatives to support youth education including community literacy events, Books for Kids, Literacy for Life, Leadership Academy’s, resources for families and an innovative personalized learning center and academy.

More information regarding event details will be released in the upcoming weeks.

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