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Rep. Jason Isaac Honored For Texas Welfare Reform Amendment

“The people of Texas entrust their government with their hard-earned tax dollars, and they have a right to know that those dollars are being used wisely,” said Rep. Isaac Wednesday.

NAPLES, Fla. — Rep. Jason Isaac (R-Dripping Springs) was awarded the Foundation for Government Accountability’s Champion of Opportunity Award for an amendment he passed during the 85th Legislative Session requiring an audit of potential fraud, waste, and abuse in Texas’ welfare system.

“The people of Texas entrust their government with their hard-earned tax dollars, and they have a right to know that those dollars are being used wisely,” said Rep. Isaac Wednesday. “I was excited and honored to be recognized by the FGA and hope to continue working with my colleagues to ensure responsible stewardship of Texans’ tax dollars.”

“Rep. Isaac is a shining example of what legislators can do to fight welfare fraud and preserve funding for the truly needy,” said Tarren Bragdon, chief executive officer of the Foundation for Government Accountability. “We are proud to give him this award.”

Though the Texas Health and Human Services Commission screens welfare recipients at the time they apply, there is not a uniform effort to ensure continued eligibility after enrollment. Rep. Isaac’s amendment to the 2018-2019 biennium budget directs HHSC to conduct a study cross-referencing welfare recipients with death records, enrollment in other state-administered programs, lottery winnings, out-of-state spending, employment records, and other factors. 

The Foundation for Government Accountability is a non-profit, multi-state think tank that specializes in health care, welfare, and regulatory reform.


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