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San Marcos Chamber Takes A Stand On Capes Dam

The board also went on to say “we advise that it is in the best interest of the city of San Marcos to provide adequate information and procure official documentation/research by the State of Texas and all applicable agencies.”

The issue of Cape’s Dam is still paramount amongst members of the community since the city announced plans to remove the dam last year.

Local activists and residents have written letters to the editors to share their opposition or support for the city’s decision.

On March 22, 2017, the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors voted, unanimously, to add their voices to the conversation.

The San Marcos Daily Record published the Board’s “Letter to the Editor” Sunday asking Mayor Thomaides and the members of city council to reconsider the decision to remove the dam.

The Board said the reason for the request was Dr. Tom Hardy’s study reports, which show “discrepancies that are troublesome.”

While the removal of Cape’s Dam allegedly will not impact the river’s wildlife and plant life, the community’s concerns have been for the recreational impact for members of the community.

The board went on to caution, “As elected officials and leaders, it is crucial that the information provided to you, on any given issue, is accurate and would uphold in a court of law,” and asked if the city chose to move forward on any work in the San Marcos River system, “we advise that it is in the best interest of the City of San Marcos to provide adequate information and procure official documentation/research by the State of Texas and all applicable agencies.”

“In consideration of the business community and the people of San Marcos, we encourage you to reevaluate your decision,” said the Chamber’s letter in closing.

You can view the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce Letter HERE.

And you can read additional Letters to the Editors and additional information on Capes Dam below:

6/14/2017: Letter To The Editor: Why The Push To Remove Capes Dam With Little San Marcos Community Support?

6/9/2017: Stokes Family – Letter To The Editor

6/5/2017: Letter To The Editor: Capes Dam

5/26/2017: Letter To The Editor: Restore Cape’s Dam To Preserve Stokes Park And The Mill Race

4/20/2017: Letter To The Editor: Capes Dam

4/6/2017: TX River Protection Group, Local Scientist Sends Letters To SM City Council Concerning Capes Dam Removal

11/4/2017: Editorial: A Juggernaut Of Local Bureaucracy

11/3/2016: Editorial: Human Safety And Historical Significance Was Not Thought About

10/12/2016: Letter to the Editor: Many People I Talk With Feel Capes Dam Should Be Repaired

10/11/2016: BREAKING: Cape’s Dam Removal Opponents Demand Federal Review Of Environmental Impact

10/9/2016: Letter To The Editor: Concerns About Safety On Our San Marcos River

9/4/2016: LETTER: Wake Up San Marcos Residents Before It’s Too Late!

8/25/2016: Open Letter To City Council: Contractual Violations With Scope Of Work Done On Cape’s Dam

8/19/2016: Is The City Of San Marcos Willing To Rise To The Challenge In Restoring Cape’s Dam?

8/18/2016: Open Letter To The SM City Council – Destruction Of A Historical Site In San Marcos

8/2/2016: BREAKING NEWS: TX Historical Comm. Throws Major Roadblock Into Cape’s Dam Battle

7/26/2016: See & Save Mill Race & Waterfall

7/21/2016: Capes Dam: If It’s Not Broke, Let’s Not Experiment With It

6/7/2016: SM City Council Makes One Decision, Based On One Report

2/20/2016: San Marcos City Council Workshop, Capes Dam – Monday


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