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SMTX Brief: Rundown Of Dec. 19 City Council Meeting

Here’s how the votes turned out on the San Marcos City Council’s 15 agenda items.

Items under the executive session portion of the agenda, which related to a pending claim of damage to property located on River Road and the duties of the City Manager, passed 6-0 to zero last night. Councilwoman Lisa Prewitt was absent for this vote.

Agenda Item #14 related to the acquisition of the 249 acre Millican Tract and authorized the City Manager to move forward with the Texas Water Development Board loan application; the item passed 4-2 with Council Member Scott Gregson and Mayor John Thomaides voting against. Councilmember Jane Hughson abstained from the vote.

City Council received a presentation from city staff to receive comments regarding the San Marcos Development Code and potential amendments. There was no vote on this item as it was a public hearing. Mayor Thomaides said City Council will bring the item back for further discussion after the first of the year.

City Council received a presentation and opened a public hearing for discussion on the annexation of 59.734 acres of land located in the La Cima subdivision on Old Ranch Road 12. Council approved a service plan for this area in a 7-0 vote.

After a staff presentation and public hearing, City Council voted 7-0 to issue a permit to a new, local taxicab business, San Marcos Taxi, LLC.

Agenda Item #12 covered the creation of a designated parking area where only individuals possessing permits could park from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM. The motion to approve the ordinance failed with a vote of 1-6; Councilmember Saul Gonzales was the only one to vote for the ordinance’s approval. An amendment to the ordinance may return to city council at a later date.

The first reading of the amendment to Chapter 74 of the San Marcos City Code regarding the creation of a new Article 7 to regulate the placement and maintenance of news racks on city sidewalks passed 7-0.

The final item addressed by City Council last night was the appointment of an ad hoc Extraterritorial Jurisdiction member to the Impact Fee Advisory Committee. Candidates were Don Moore and Dan Stauffer. Council voted 7-0 for the appointment of ETJ Member Stauffer to the Impact Fee Advisory Committee.

City Council will not meet the week of Jan. 5 due to the holiday.


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