Texas GOP, Doctors To Abbott: Data, Science Doesn’t Warrant Five Months Of Shutdown

By Bethany Blankley | The Center Square

The Center Square – Republican leaders and doctors argue that coronavirus-related deaths and positive test results in the state do not warrant a continued shutdown in Texas.

The Texas Department of Health Services reports that deaths among Texans under age 19 represent zero percent of the state’s population, and the majority of deaths are over age 65 and among people with pre-existing conditions.

If a statewide mask mandate is effective in slowing the spread of the virus, then there is no reason to not reopen the state and get people back to work, critics argue.

Republican Bryan Slaton, who is expected to win his state legislative seat (District 2) in November, said the first bill he plans to introduce will be to end executive overreach. Gov. Greg Abbott has used a 1975 law to continue extending a March 13 emergency order by 30 days, every 30 days. That is a misuse of the law, Slaton said.

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  1. HALLELUJAH! Sing. Amen and Boom Shakalaka! Can we give THE LORD some praise? May the benefits of rational decisions forever rain down upon your future.

    How about this? If Abbott refuses to call the legislature into session, you just do it anyway. Make it known you are taking action. Radio, TV, internet. Then host a Zoom session. Record it and take the vote. Then submit it to Abbott. Make him explain to the public why he refuses to address the legislation. This needs to end.

    If legislators refuse to log in, publish their names…. everywhere.

  2. So if someone in your family has a pre-existing condition, then your choice is between ending their life or voting Democrat? It is good for the weak to die…? Man, just when you thought 2020 had hit bottom…

    1. I’ll be that guy… Yes, it is good for the weak to die. That’s the basis of natural selection. Those that cannot adapt get eliminated. Helping them along may feel good but it places unnecessary strain on the rest of the population. We are seeing an increase in overall stress. Kids are tired & frustrated. Parents are tired and frustrated. Kids aren’t getting the education they deserve. Bills aren’t being paid because parents cannot work. This is a problem of our own creation.

      Chances are grandma ain’t gonna die from the ‘Rona. There have only been 170,000 deaths in a country of 350,000,000 and a quarter of those were in NY & NJ during the early stages. Then they spread it to the rest of the nation. Since then we’ve done extraordinarily well. A clear testimony to the strength of our medical system.

      Personally, my family has been supporting local businesses for far longer than we had originally planed. We recognize the strain ‘Rona has placed on entrepreneurs. We believe they are a test kitchen for ideas & innovation. And it is the path to the American dream. We dig it. However, we are 6 months in and haven’t defined a path out. Our goodwill is nearly tapped. Its time to reopen.

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