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Head Soccer Coach Kat Conner to step down

Staff Reports

SAN MARCOS – Texas State University Head Women’s Soccer Coach Kat Conner announced today that she is stepping down from her position, after leading the Bobcats for 23 seasons.

During her tenure, Texas State Women’s Soccer won five regular season championships and five tournament championships.

“Coach Conner has led our Women’s Soccer program for more than two decades and we thank her for her service,” said Texas State Director of Athletics Don Coryell. “Current Assistant Coach, Matt Callaway will lead the program on an interim basis while we conduct a national search for a new head coach.”

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  1. Good riddance. Coach spent year humiliating players, not give credit when due, played psychotic mind games. It would be nice if a survey was sent out to former player so you all could see the results which will add credibility to this post.

  2. Very happy to see this coach go. Long long overdue. Disappointing that it took so long for the University to recognize the damage this coach was doing. As this circulates, you will see and hear more. Scandals, cover ups, and some very disturbing and emotional and mental abuses of players. Texas State has a history of not paying attention to these coaches having a God-complex. For example, that basketball teams coach. Bye, Coach Connor. You were and will never be respected. Your legacy does at Texas State! Go Bobcats!

  3. I am former player who kept quiet all these years. The University should be held responsible for neglect. And this coach should never be allowed to coach again.

  4. Glad to see this Coach is done. A really bad person through and through. With all that is happening around recent player deaths and depression people like Kat Conner shouldn’t be allowed around any players. She abused her privilege and forgot the most important rule in life- her job was the make sure these student athletes left better than when they came into Texas State. She did none of that. I played 4 years for this coach and can tell you without any doubt, not one player admired her, appreciated her or had any personal growth from being around her. Good move by university to quietly walk her out. Kay Conner is done! And the world is a better place.
    P.S. i was a 4 year starter! :)

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